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Download a badge from the designs below and display on you're website if your products and services are 'made in WArrington'
find local business 'made in WArrington' that offer creative, industry and services
Download a badge from the designs below and display on you're website if your products and services are 'made in WArrington'
Make yourself visible! You and your business can join if you meet any of the following criteria:
Now you are ready to choose a badge to place on your website!
Please contact the team if you have any questions regarding your qualification
Use one of the following badge styles and html (if required)
Dimensions: 120px x 120px (@2x Retina Displays)
<a href="http://www.madeinWArrington.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit madeinWArrington.com to find out more about 'WA made!'"><img src="//www.madeinWArrington.com/i/[email protected]" border="0" alt="WA made! madeinWArrington.com"/></a>
<a href="http://www.madeinWArrington.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit madeinWArrington.com to find out more about 'WA made!'"><img src="//www.madeinWArrington.com/i/[email protected]" border="0" alt="WA made! madeinWArrington.com"/></a>
<a href="http://www.madeinWArrington.com/" target="_blank" title="Visit madeinWArrington.com to find out more about 'WA made!'"><img src="//www.madeinWArrington.com/i/[email protected]" border="0" alt="WA made! madeinWArrington.com"/></a>
Place your 'WA made' badge anywhere on your site, ensure it is visible and link back to madeinWArrington.com
If there are constraints and you are unable to add a badge to your site, create a text link in the page footer 'madeinWArrington.com'
You can also include the 'WA made' badge in your offline/print media along with the web address
We will soon list all business here who take part, and help make your business visible! Are you 'made in WArrington?'
The town of WArrington is located in the county of Cheshire, in-between the cities of Liverpool and Manchester
Find out more about our location on Google Maps and more information can be found on Wikipedia
There is such a diverse spread of business that all vary in size, offering 'quality and competitive' products and services
Here's why many relocate to and choose WArrington for their business:
Compare this with other cities in the North West region, WArrington can help you and your business!
More information on why you should choose Warrington for business, visit Invest in Cheshire
WArrington has a strong history with heavy industry for hundreds of years - from making glass, paper, wire, nails, leather and soap powder to name but a few!
The town is now a thriving business and commercial centre, with many of the high streets big names using the town and surrounding area's for head offices and distribution hubs!
You can find more historical information from the WArrington Museum & Art Gallery about the town's industrial heritage.
We are WA Creative: A group for anyone working in the creative industries in and around Warrington. Whether you're studying, freelancing, working professionally or just interested, get involved in developing the creative, digital and arts industries in the town.
You can expect a very informal event with a couple of presentations and the opportunity to meet people working in your industry over a drink - or some hot cheesy nacho's!
Follow us on: Twitter @WA_creative | WA Creative on Meetup.com | creativewarrington.net